![MyNamecoins gadget screenshot](MyNamecoins_screenshot.png)
Do you ask yourself these questions?
- How can I watch the namecoin exchange rate?
- What amount of namecoins have I mined, but not yet transferred to my wallet, and how much are they worth?
- How many total namecoins did I mine since I started mining?
- How many namecoins do I currently have, both unpaid in pools and in my wallet, and how much USD can I get for it?
- I don't mine, but how much is my investment in namecoins worth in USD (or any other currency) at this moment?
MyNamecoins is a Windows gadget (Vista sidebar or Windows 7) which displays two values: the amount of namecoins you have, and an estimated value of those namecoins in your preferred currency.
Download now It's free!(though donations are appreciated)
![MyNamecoins gadget config screenshot](MyNamecoins_config.png)
- retrieves data from up to three namecoin pools
- retrieves NMC-USD exchange rate from a namecoin exchange
- uses The Free Currency Converter API to convert USD to any other world currency of your choice
- Accepts arbitrary correction amount (positive or negative) which is added to the namecoin amount. This is where you can, for example, enter total amount of the namecoins you bought if you wish it to be included in the sum, or simply use it as a namecoin calculator.
- alerts with red or green color when a value is below or above defined amount
You can specify any mining pool or exchange which has JSON API (most of them do). The only thing you need to know is URL and JSON keys.
Configuring exchanges and pools
By default, the gadget is configured to use BTC-e API to obtain exchange data. If we wanted to use a different exchange, for example Kraken, first we need to find out JSON API URL. Kraken has rather complicated API, but this page details all that is needed to use the API. Let us create the URL which returns last NMC-BTC trade exchange: https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XXBTXNMC. The data returned looks like this:
{"error":[], "result":{"XXBTXNMC":{"a":["262.88699","1"], "b":["255.97706","1"], "c":["264.97104","0.01035789"], "v":["1.07525861","1.07525861"], "p":["260.74031","260.74022"], "t":[16,16], "l":["235.10602","235.10602"], "h":["264.97104","264.97104"], "o":"245.00000"}}}
The exchange rate we need is in the "c" JSON value. So, to configure MyLitecoins to use Kraken, we have to enter above URL and JSON key "json.result.XXBTXNMC.c[0]". We could use secondary exchange to track up to three additional values (for example highest bid and lowest ask), or simply clear all secondary exchange JSON keys. (Check out MyLitecoins gadget for example of a simpler Vircurex API which also supports Namecoin).
Configuring gadget to use pool APIs works in the same way. The only difference is that you can configure up to two JSON keys for pools, since you're probably interested in both paid and unpaid amounts.
- version 3.4 - bug fixes and changed default exchange as Poloniex no longer lists NMC
- version 3.3 - upgraded third-party currency conversion API (The Free Currency Converter API) due to change in the licensing terms
- version 3.2 - switched away from Yahoo! currency conversion API as it stopped working
- version 3.1 - default exchange switched from BTC-e to Poloniex as BTC-e is no longer operational
- version 3.0 - a bunch of bugs fixed and new features introduced:
- trailing stop alerts
- support for very large or very small values (more than 9 digits or less than 8 decimals) using for example 1G for 1,000,000,000
- two additional pools added as some a bit megalomanic people were complaining that three pools are not enough
- although originally correction could be a negative number, at some point this stopped working due to incorrect regex which is now corrected
- if only paid or only unpaid JSON key for pools was used, value was not calculated; a bit impractical workaround was to use both fields is no longer needed
- note from settings now shows on mouse hover
- version 2.0 - added ability to choose and hide fields; improvements to better work with exchanges
- version 1.3 - Bitparking Namecoin exchange died; default Namecoin exchange changed to BTC-E; new note field added to settings
- version 1.2 - fix for bug in anti-caching code
- version 1.1 - small but important correction: when using Javascript to access JSON keys, json object was accessed with jsonObject instead of with json
- version 1.0 - initial version
Like this gadget?
If you find this gadget useful, you can support it by sending any amount of NMC to the following Namecoin address: NAVuitpGpxAjkomPTWPc3nrkUYSLgyh8pA